never ending arts

Friday, May 25, 2007
Adobe Photoshop CS3 (Lite version!)
photoshop cs3Adobe Photoshop CS3 delivers new tools and enhancements that enable you to work more productively, edit with unrivaled power, and composite with breakthrough ease and control.

New Features:

Smart Filters

Add, adjust, and remove filters from an image without having to resave the image or start over to preserve quality. Nondestructive Smart Filters allow you to visualize changes without altering original pixel data.

Quick Selection and Refine Edge tools

Make selections in a snap. Loosely draw on an image area, and the Quick Selection tool automatically completes the selection for you. Then fine-tune your selections with the Refine Edge tool
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posted by chairani @ 3:00 PM   0 comments
photo restoration with photoshop
restoration photo
iseng-iseng nih nyoba restorasi foto. ketertarikan gw bwt restorasi foto sebenernya dah ada dari lama. tapi saat itu ga ada keinginan sama sekali untuk bisa. baru ketika masuk idola fotostudio, mulai deh muncul rasa pengen nyoba. pertama kali nyoba, waduh hmpir hancur berantakan :D. salahnya saat itu aku make foto yang memang agak sulit untuk di restorasi. ga cocok banget deh buat pemula. vakum beberapa saat dari restore-merestore foto, ketertarikan mulai muncul lagi pas lagi blogwalking. ngga sengaja nemu iklan tentang restorasi foto. langsung deh dibuka dan dalam sekejap semua portofolio gw liatin satu persatu secara detail. selesai melototin tu foto2 hasil karya orang lain jd kepengen bikin.
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posted by chairani @ 2:59 PM   0 comments
Scholarship for Graduate Students
After a person has graduated from college and started working for a few years, they seldom find that they cannot move any further in their careers without increasing their credentials and additional qualifications.

There is a need for a higher education these days that even a Bachelor?s degree for four years is not enough to get the best career offers. Having a bachelor?s degree does not bring bigger opportunities that it has given them.

A lot of graduates aim to finish a master?s degree but fail to have one because it is expensive. This is true especially in business management courses and the sciences.

If you want to move up to the corporate ladder, you need to have a Doctorate or Master?s degree. If you think that it is too expensive and your budget cannot afford a bit of it, there are still ways on how to enroll for a master?s degree. You can apply a scholarship for graduate students.

Graduate school surely costs a lot so you need a scholarship for graduate students to ease the burden. Some of the graduate students get intimidated when it comes to graduate school. If you have experienced having scholarships during college, you will not find it hard to apply for a scholarship for graduate students because you can have access with your previous performance.

Many scholarships for graduate students work in the same way as the college scholarships, which make it manageable except that there are specific awards that are intended to fund a law degree, master?s degree or a doctorate program. There is also similar and advanced study for endeavors. You might wonder how and where these scholarships for graduate students get their funds.

The funds that scholarships for graduate students get their funds through large corporations and companies but sometimes, it is attached to relate to future work related requirements. Sometimes, you will find a scholarship for graduate students, which will require service after the scholarship.

Finding a scholarship for graduate students is easy but it may have some problems. The availability will depend on the subject that an applicant wishes to study and not all of the awards are recognized and advertised through the usual channels. It may also take hours of research in order to come up with a couple of results that you can qualify for. This often discourages people and the awards remain unclaimed too.

Some scholarships for graduate students will look at the awards that you have. The higher awards you have, the higher chances you will be awarded of having lesser fees. The award will determine and subsidize a portion of your payments and you will be able to attend school with the scholarship.

In applying for scholarship for graduate students, you will encounter some questions and you will be required to input your full information. After that, a specialist will see if your qualifications match opportunities and see if you can be granted with a scholarship.

If you want to get a scholarship for graduate students easily, you can register with a company that is related to your standards and qualifications. Your existing awards should match so that you will be granted and recognized and you will be able to use it for your scholarship application.

In applying for a scholarship for graduate students, you need to be specific with your subject and complete all the requirements and keep all your awards because it helps a lot.

S. Stammberger is the editor of Grants
United. Learn all you need to know about scholarships, grants, and other financial aids

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posted by chairani @ 2:58 PM   0 comments
sense of retouch (part II)
hayo siapa tu fannnn?aghh,bukan siapa-siapa,nama jg ga penting. yang penting adalah bahwa gambar disamping udah melalui sdikit editan/retouch photoshop (klik di gambar u/ lihat hasil). ga tau nih kok ak lg pengn bgt belajar banyak tentang edit-mengedit foto, mulai dari pake brush, blur smpe pake filter..pokoknya banyak yang udah dicoba. cm berasany masih banyak kurang disana-sini aja. emang dasarnya manusia tu g pernah puas kali yah. dpt ilmu dikit, pengnnya lebih :-p. ya udah deh ak cmn bisa mensyukuri apa yang telah ak dapetin. ad yg berminat belajar? tinggalin comment aja, ato email ke: darisitus[at]tukangdezain[dot]web[dot]id. cu! :)
posted by chairani @ 2:57 PM   0 comments
avarage lover against true lover*
promiseKekasih standard selalu ingat senyum di wajahmu
Kekasih sejati juga mengingat wajahmu waktu

Kekasih standard akan membawamu makan
makanan yang enak-enak
Kekasih sejati akan mempersiapkan makanan
yang kamu suka

Kekasih standard setiap detik selalu menunggu
telpon dari kamu
Kekasih sejati setiap detik selalu teringat ingin

Kekasih standart selalu mendoakan mu
Kekasih sejati selalu berusaha memberimu

Kekasih standard mengharapkan kamu berubah
demi dia
Kekasih sejati mengharapkan dia bisa berubah
untuk kamu

Kekasih standard paling sebal kamu menelpon
waktu dia tidur
Kekasih sejati akan menanyakan kenapa sekarang
kamu baru telpon?

Kekasih standard akan mencarimu untuk
membahas kesulitanmu
Kekasih sejati akan menca rimu untuk
memecahkan kesulitanmu

Kekasih standard selalu bertanya mengapa kamu
selalu membuatnya sedih?
Kekasih sejati akan selalu mananyakan diri sendiri
mengapa membuat kamu

Kekasih standard selalu memikirkan penyebab
Kekasih sejati memecahkan penyebab perpisahan

Kekasih standard bisa melihat semua yang telah
dia korbankan untukmu
Kekasih sejati bisa melihat semua yang telah
kamu korbankan untuknya

Kekasih standard berpikir bahwa pertengkaran
adalah akhir dari segalanya
Kekasih sejati berpikir, jika tidak pernah bertengkar
tidak bisa disebut
cinta sejati

Kekasih standard selalu ingin kamu disampingnya
menemaninya selamanya
Kekasih sejati selalu berharap selamanya bisa
disampingmu menemanimu

*dari milis tetangga
jd inget diri sendiri... :((
posted by chairani @ 2:57 PM   0 comments
sense of retouch with photoshop

*photo source on idola photo studio and tukangdezain fs
interest?well..just give it a try, click here
posted by chairani @ 2:39 PM   0 comments
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Name:Chairani chairani
Home:Semarang, Indonesia
About Me:just an arts lover
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